Maria Teresa Horta journalist
professional path, memories and circumstances
Maria Teresa Horta, journalism, feminism, gender, women’s magazinesAbstract
The present article aspires at reconstructing the journalistic career of Maria Teresa Horta, whose relevance is justified by the dimension of her literary legacy, along with the contribution given to the feminist movement in Portugal. Through an expository itinerary of her professional chronology, we will endeavour to unveil the context of her exercise of this profession, the editorial structures she was part of, her publications and her professional peers. Building from the professional narrative of the author of Minha Senhora de Mim, we will attempt to account for the specificities of different media structures and the challenges and problems Maria Teresa faced during the multiple decades that she practised journalism. To this end, we have created a fundamental separation in the text, between the period running up to the April 1974 Revolution and the period thereafter. Finally, we will aim to underline the gender dimension in the journalistic experience of Maria Teresa Horta.
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