Portuguese immigrants in France and internet usage


  • Catarina Silva Nunes Universidade Aberta




ethnography, migrations, internet, national identity, France



The present text consists on a content analysis of a set of internet sites produced by Portuguese emigrants in France. Based on some theoretical proposals, such as those of José Manuel Sobral, Ardjun Appadurai, Barry Welman, Benedict Anderson, Daniel Miller and Don Slater, Howard Rheingold, Marc Augé e Michel de Certeau, it is suggested that the construction of the Portuguese nation, within a diaspora context and by means of the inter-net, constitutes a model which is creator of non virtualised social relations, where we may see anthropological spots and spaces, from which nation is being invented.


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How to Cite

Portuguese immigrants in France and internet usage . (2021). Comunicação Pública, 5(9). https://doi.org/10.4000/cp.7663