Between here and back. Communication in the migratory experience of three men from Guinea-Bissau


  • Teresa Carvalho Costa Instituto de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa



Guinean-Bissau migrants, transnationalism, mobile phone, communication, social relations


The idea of this article is based on a field research that analyzed the migratory experience of three men from Guinea-Bissau. These individuals still didn’t managed to regroup their families in Portugal. The active and effective maintenance of their family relations is an essential part of their everyday lives. The use of the mobile phone is central to maintain these relationships. Through examples of ethnographic practice, I tried to understand how the use of a mobile communication technologies changes the patterns of interaction of these families, setting the space of social relations as a transnational space.


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How to Cite

Between here and back. Communication in the migratory experience of three men from Guinea-Bissau. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 5(9).