A portuguese voice in Canada

media, migrations and identity negotiations


  • Marta Vilar Rosales Escola Superior de Comunicação Social; Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Sónia Ferreira Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa




media, ethnography, portuguese migrations, identity


Gente da Nossa is a TV show produced in Toronto, Canada, by a small team of second generation Portuguese/Azorean migrants. Mainly focused in the Portuguese migrant population residing in Canada but broadcasted to all North America and Bermuda and present in the Internet, this weekly TV show is currently being studied both as a window to the Portuguese migrants’ communal agendas in Canada and as a media tool that eventually to some extent represents, speaks for and contributes to the public positioning of the community. Although the research intends to address a considerable set of issues related to the shows’ reception and its audiences, this article is totally focused on the contents displayed and in the shows producers. The shows’ weekly episodes displayed in the internet were recorded during one year (2006/07) and submitted to a content analysis structured according to the main thematics emerging from the shows structure and agenda. Besides promoting a solid description of show, this methodological option reflects the intention of developing an ethnographic approach primarily focused on the main events, questionings and problems selected by the producers, as well as the ways those are addressed, displayed and discussed during the time period analysed.


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How to Cite

A portuguese voice in Canada: media, migrations and identity negotiations. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 5(9). https://doi.org/10.4000/cp.7651