Public Diplomacy as a tool for integration of nations in the digital age


  • Ana Mafalda Cândido Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (IPL)



public relations, public diplomacy, soft power, strategy, digital platforms


For a good performance not only of government relations, governmental, business and the communities in general, must be designed a communication strategy based on Public Diplomacy as the underlying cause of common values, understanding of nations and mutual understanding. Only through awareness of the importance of this concept and others that are associated with this such power, soft power and public affairs, it is possible to construct a strategy of community involvement and project countries/ organizations/companies to a level of international visibility. Digital platforms appear as an insightful way of bridging geographical distances, cultural and linguistic as well as to promote action and create exchanges between communities, based on sustainability.


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How to Cite

Public Diplomacy as a tool for integration of nations in the digital age. (2022). Comunicação Pública, 7(11).