Consummation, a meta-consumption


  • Samuel Mateus Universidade Nova de Lisboa



consumption, consummation, sociology of consumption, anthropology of consumption


Beyond the economic principles of scarcity, necessity and profitability, there is in consumption a dimension of wastefulness, lavishness and extravagance. In view of a material definition of consumption, we recognize an immaterial and symbolic register that we call consummation. The consummation is not a concept that contrasts with consumption but it is a meta-consumption, a second-degree consumption that has to do with the social evanescence of the meaning and with the symbolic circulation that emphasizes a socio-anthropological dimension.
In this paper, we try to underscore consumption’s symbolic dimension as a communicative form characterized by a material action that binds the individual in the symbolic reproduction of the social bond.


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How to Cite

Consummation, a meta-consumption. (2022). Comunicação Pública, 7(11).