What defines Portuguese people in online communities in Portugal


  • Francisco Costa Pereira Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (IPL)
  • Sara Guerreiro Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (IPL)




online communities, consumer behavior, satisfaction, loyalty, word-of-mouth


Online communities pay an important role in society and are part of people's lives. To be part of an online community means to fulfil a set of needs, which leads people to remain in communities and to establish social networks. Every culture develops the processes that lead people to be and relate in communities. The purpose of this study was to understand the reality of the communities in Portugal. To this end, an investigation was carried on with a sample of 1028 subjects who belong to communities and participate in them. The results prove that people are attached to their group in communities, where their entertainment and hedonic needs are pleased, and also where they tend to disseminate information. Community identification and participation, as well as community commitment, all have low results. However, the presence of the reference group is important for the individuals to be part of he communities. We finally found various types of people who are in communities by Word-of-Mouth (passives and actives) and by active participation in them (the neutral, the Lurkers and the actives).


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How to Cite

What defines Portuguese people in online communities in Portugal. (2022). Comunicação Pública, 7(11). https://doi.org/10.4000/cp.357