The Diário de Notícias and the 25th November of 1975

a turning point


  • Pedro Marques Gomes Escola Superior de Comunicação Social do IPL; Instituto de História Contemporânea da FCSH-UNL



Diário de Notícias, democratic transition, 25th november, press control


This article intends to approach the transformations operated in Diário de Notícias after the events around 25th November of 1975, a turning point moment in the Portuguese revolutionary process. Thus, analyzing the concrete matter of this newspaper, it’s possible to conclude that trough the designation of new administrative and directive structures and the removal of some employees, was proceeded the rupture of the Newspaper’s previous editorial line. However, this new behavior of the superior members of DN wasn´t peaceful, having had resistance and opposition within the company, which shows not only the importance of the press during this period, but also the power of employees over this concrete newspaper.


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How to Cite

The Diário de Notícias and the 25th November of 1975: a turning point. (2022). Comunicação Pública, 7(11).