From integration to legitimacy

values and publics in public relations


  • João Simão Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (IPL)
  • Nuno da Silva Jorge Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (IPL)



public relations, legitimacy, integration, publics, political function


This article explores the role of Public Relations as a political activity of the organisation, which assumes a strategical role in its legitimacy. That can’t be reduced to an auxiliary tool for other disciplines. Regarding the notion of legitimacy function, we propose a new tipology of publics, focused on the individual relation with what can be defined as the organisation center – the set of values that defines it. This framework wants to overcome some of the limitations of sociodemographic characterization of publics, presenting a new way of understand the organisation’s relationship with them.


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How to Cite

From integration to legitimacy: values and publics in public relations. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 8(13).