Reasons and possible constraints resulting from the lack of an aggregating concept for the theme of "media education"


  • Vítor de Sousa Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Universidade do Minho



media education, dispersion of names, reasons, constraints, justifications


Although one of the investigation trends in “Media Education” go towards the creation of a conceptual framework for media literacy surgery, there isn’t an aggregate concept to define this area. There are several denominations who apparently intended to mean the same thing. With this article it is intended to answer the question: Why isn’t there a single definition to describe “Media Education”? In addition, it is also expected to contribute to an explanatory framework for the existence of this situation, moving forward with any reasons. The aim is also to observe if it sets up a potential embarrassment for the field is stated in terms of research.


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How to Cite

Reasons and possible constraints resulting from the lack of an aggregating concept for the theme of "media education". (2021). Comunicação Pública, 8(14).