Communication management in public sectors

the case of the Polish energy sector


  • Monika Bogdał Poznan University of Economics



public sector, government communications, public relations, economic efficiency, Polish energy sector


Economic theories for a long time has favored perfect competition over other models of solving problems related to management in micro and macro scale. According to the concept free market can automatically achieve an economic equilibrium, price is a result of supply and demand game, no barriers to entry exists and each market participant has complete information about conditions of transactions, what enables to make rational decisions in mathematical way [Begg, Fisher, Dornbusch 1995, p.228-267]. By definition, government is not needed to make things work right in perfect economy and the existence and size of public sectors should be minimized to administrative activities in narrow sense, i.a. regulatory functions and common security.


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How to Cite

Communication management in public sectors: the case of the Polish energy sector. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 8(14).