The media coverage of the independent candidature of Rui Moreira to the 2013 municipal elections


  • Filipe Resende Faculdade de Ciências Humanas - Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura



Rui Moreira, news coverage, 2013 municipal elections



Rui Moreira’s victory in 2013 municipal elections in Oporto surprised the Portuguese society. This result can be the consequence of a general disbelief in the political parties. Facing a context of negative journalism in electoral campaigns, the main objective of this study is the analysis of news coverage during the electoral campaign of Rui Moreira’s candidature. The research focuses on a quantitative approach based on content analysis. The focus of this study is situated between August and September 2013. The expected results indicate the media coverage during the election campaign was a major benefit in Rui Moreira’s victory, allowing the increasing of his visibility and popularity.


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Author Biography

  • Filipe Resende, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas - Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura

    Palma de Cima
    1649-023 Lisboa


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How to Cite

The media coverage of the independent candidature of Rui Moreira to the 2013 municipal elections. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 11(21).