Ergodicity and Digital Texts


  • Fernanda Bonacho Escola Superior Comunicação Social, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa



hypertext, electronic textuality, reading, ergodic


Whilst breaking the linearity of the printed page, the passage from the physical text to a digital one has blurred the limits between reception and production and has shaped different narrative performances. Hypertextuality has shattered the limits of the text and has simultaneously required the construction of meaning by exploring a major text. Eventually, hypermedia has amplified and complexified that hypertextuality by being able to converge diverse languages, in an interactive process that resembles the actual creation activity. In response to the nodes and stimuli of the digital work, ergodic texts coexist within a customized space of algorithmic materiality and signification immateriality. In this paper we want to discuss how the bodiless but crowded electronic textuality leads this dematerialization as the hypermedia discourse flickers among different languages ​​and multimedia devices.


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How to Cite

Ergodicity and Digital Texts. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 10(17).