Looking for social class and civil society in political discourse in Portuguese democracy (1976-2006)

content analysis approach


  • Paula Espírito Santo Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa




politics, social class, political discourse


Political discourse gives an important clue to the importance of key concepts with ideological political relevance, in the political system. That is the case of social class, religion and political parties, considering their role in political and electoral terms. The social class concept has been long and widely debated in political sociology. Its importance in political language and discourse is the key issue of this research. The focus of this study is the importance of social class, considering the segmentation of different civil society groups as expressed in political discourse. The aim is to analyse political speeches made by the most important political actor in the nation, the President. Our scope of analysis covers the timeline since the first stages in Portuguese democracy following the Revolution of April 1974, and extends until 2006. Content analysis technique will be used to address it. The expected results point towards the loss of importance of social class, as a traditional key concept, which evolved in quite extensive ways, in its application to contemporary political messages. This study tends to converge with the mainstream literature that has elaborated on the structural and permanent loss of importance of social class in politics, including in electoral terms.


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Author Biography

  • Paula Espírito Santo, Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa

    Universidade de Lisboa
    Rua Almerindo Lessa
    1300-663 Lisbon, Portugal
    Tel. (00) (351) 213 619 430


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How to Cite

Looking for social class and civil society in political discourse in Portuguese democracy (1976-2006): content analysis approach. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 10(18). https://doi.org/10.4000/cp.1005