Centeno, M. J. (Coord.) (2019). Museu da Paisagem: narrativas e experiência do lugar. Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.

Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. https://museudapaisagem.pt/public/media/Museu-da-Paisagem-Narrativas-Experie%CC%82ncia-do-Lugar.pdf 131 pp. ISBN 978-972-97218-3-0





landscape, mediation, digital museum platform


This book immediately raises the question about the apparent oxymoron that constitutes its title: how can a museum - which is by definition a closed, interior, limited space - be one of the landscape - which is inherently open, exterior, and more or less unlimited? Another reason for this apparent antinomy between museum and landscape is added: the museum deals with history, with time, with the past - even when it portrays a present, it is depicted as having already been; the landscape concerns geography, space, the present - even when it has a past, and it always does, what we see in it is always the present.


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Author Biography

  • Joaquim Paulo Serra, (Universidade da Beira Interior

    J. Paulo Serra has a graduation in Philosophy, and a master’s degree and a PhD in Communication Sciences. He is Full Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences of University of Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal, and researcher in the unit Labcom.IFP – Communication, Philosophy and Humanities. He is currently, at UBI, the president of the Research Coordinating Institute, and scientific coordinator of Labcom.IFP; at a national level, he is the Chairman of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (Sopcom). He authored the books Information as Utopia (1998), Information and Sense (2003), and Communication Theory Handbook (2008), co-authored the book Information and Persuasion on the Web (2009), edited the book Rhetoric and Politics (2015), and co-edited several books, the last one being Culture, heritage and tourism in the digital society: An Iberian perspective (2018). He has also published several book chapters and articles in journals and collective works, both in Portugal and abroad.


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How to Cite

Centeno, M. J. (Coord.) (2019). Museu da Paisagem: narrativas e experiência do lugar. Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. : Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. https://museudapaisagem.pt/public/media/Museu-da-Paisagem-Narrativas-Experie%CC%82ncia-do-Lugar.pdf 131 pp. ISBN 978-972-97218-3-0. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 16(31). https://doi.org/10.34629/cpublica.228