Media relations and social media

a case study of the changes in the relationship source-journalist and the press release production process


  • Francisca Campelo Assessora de comunicação estagiária na Casa da Música
  • Inês Rodrigues Assessora de comunicação estagiária na Caetsu
  • Maria Marmelo Assessora de comunicação estagiária na Central de Informação
  • Marta Rocha Assessora de comunicação estagiária na Mediana
  • Vasco Ribeiro Curso de Ciências da Comunicação: Jornalismo, Assessoria e Multimédia, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto



Media relations, social networks, sources of information, journalism, Facebook


This study seeks to understand the impact of social media in the practice of media relations, focusing on changes in the PR-journalist relationship and on how the press release is prepared. Through semi-directive elite interviews (n=10), we were able to demonstrate that we are going through a phase of adaptation of press offices to the potential of new media, and that this potential is seen by most of the interviewed professionals as a facilitating mechanism and an enhancer when promoting news.


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How to Cite

Media relations and social media: a case study of the changes in the relationship source-journalist and the press release production process. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 10(19).