The 360º Performance Appraisal in the Portuguese Labor Market

Facilitators and Barriers


  • Rita Andreia Monteiro Mourão ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
  • Sandra Miranda Escola Superior de Comunicação Social – Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa
  • Nelson Ramalho ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa



Performance evaluation, 360º method, good factors, barriers


To prevent some limitations of traditional performance appraisal (i.e., chief rates his employee), an approach to 360º performance appraisal becomes relevant, in a way that it considers more than one appraiser, as it permits to control eventual idiosyncrasies. In this sense, this study pretends to understand the perceptions of different professionals regarding the facilitators and barriers of the 360º evaluation in the Portuguese labor market. We resorted to a qualitative methodology and a sample of convenience, having performed four Focus Group. The information gathered showed that the 360º performance appraisal is particularly relevant when compared to the traditional performance evaluation, because it allows the active participation of all/almost all organizational actors. Furthermore, this methodology promotes anonymity and confidentiality of those involved, their training while evaluators and the decentralization of the evaluative power of supervisors.


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How to Cite

The 360º Performance Appraisal in the Portuguese Labor Market: Facilitators and Barriers. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 10(19).