Multimedia content and user preferences in online editorial projects

portuguese examples


  • Sónia Pedro Sebastião Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas - Universidade de Lisboa, CAPP-FCT
  • Diogo Milho Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas - Universidade de Lisboa



Multimedia, online content, learning, website analysis


This study intends to be a contribution to the knowledge of Portuguese online thematic projects; editorial studies related to form and themes; and user preference studies. We aim to understand the selection of content in two online magazines – Azul - Ericeira Mag and Preguiça Magazine – and the user experience with these contents. A mixed approach was used, with the collection of information by e-mail with the collaborators of the two projects, the accomplishment of focus group with readers and analysis of the structure of the magazines. The conclusions highlight the amateurism in the selection of content themes by editors, as well as the prevalence of multimedia formats (text and image). Users, in turn, prefer diverse themes and formats, and clear and comprehensive categories that illustrate the themes of the content that can be found in the magazines.


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Author Biography

  • Sónia Pedro Sebastião, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas - Universidade de Lisboa, CAPP-FCT

    Pólo Universitário do Alto da Ajuda
    Rua Almerindo Lessa
    1300-663 Lisboa


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How to Cite

Multimedia content and user preferences in online editorial projects: portuguese examples. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 13(24).