Television political debates and electoral campaign The 2015 legislative elections

António Costa versus Pedro Passos Coelho


  • Susana Rogeiro Nina Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa



television political debates, political communication, electoral campaign, 2015 legislative election


In the contemporary society, the media are fundamental in the context of electoral campaign strategies defined by political parties, with television as the privileged means of access to political information and political opinion formation. The construction of the political message by the candidates that participated in the pre-electoral television debate is the starting point of this paper, which aims to systematize the television debate that opposed António Costa and Pedro Passos Coelho, candidates for the 2015 legislative elections. The primary objective of this paper is to prove the importance of television debates, as well as the importance of political message content in electoral campaigning. The content analysis of the issues addressed in the debate allows inferring on how the candidates have used the debate to bind their political message, which issues dominated the discussion and the differences between the messages both candidates wanted to pass on.


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How to Cite

Television political debates and electoral campaign The 2015 legislative elections: António Costa versus Pedro Passos Coelho. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 12(22).