The development of the journalistic discourse in Portugal – A case study of Madeira regional press of early 20th century


  • Samuel Mateus Gabinete 1.44, CIC. digital, Labcom. IFP, Campus Universitário da Penteada, Universidade da Madeira



journalism history, discourse, regional portuguese press, I World War, objectivity


European reluctance to adopt the Anglo-American discursive standard of journalism had for consequence that the incorporation of the new journalistic discourse had different rates of implementation reflecting distinct evolutions.
In this paper, we contribute to a historical and comparative study of the Portuguese journalistic discourse through the case study of two Madeira’s regional newspapers in the second decade of the 20th century - Diário de Notícias (Madeira) and Diário da Madeira - by the time of the bombing of Funchal in 1916 and 1917 by German submarines during World War I. Fundamentally, the study is about a genealogy of the discursive practices of regional and insular Portuguese journalism.
The paper concludes that, although Madeira’s journalism manifest, in small notes, this influence, the basic principles of the Anglo-American discursive pattern of journalism were not completely developed. Objectivity, inverted pyramid and neutral journalistic voice seem not to be yet key elements of journalistic discourse at the time of the bombings of Funchal. Instead, in the newspapers tends to predominate a kind of discourse close to that characteristic of an opinion press.


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How to Cite

The development of the journalistic discourse in Portugal – A case study of Madeira regional press of early 20th century. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 12(22).