The strategic role of internal communication in conveying the values of identity and culture of the comOn Group organization


  • Joana Marta Santana Faculdade de Ciências Humanas - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
  • Nuno Goulart Brandão Faculdade de Ciências Humanas - Universidade Católica Portuguesa



organizations, organizational culture, organizational identity, internal communication, organizational values


This article seeks to understand the importance of the concepts of identity and culture of organizations, including the role played by internal communication, its influence and the consolidation of cultural and identity values. This way, a case study was also carried out with the organization comOn Group, which helped to assess whether employees recognize and review themselves in the values of the group and whether internal communication plays a central role in the transmission of these cultural and identity values.


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How to Cite

The strategic role of internal communication in conveying the values of identity and culture of the comOn Group organization. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 13(25).