Organizational communication as a concept and a process

the expert perceptions


  • Rita Andreia Monteiro Mourão ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
  • Sandra Miranda Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (ESCS) - Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa / Centro de Investigação de Estudos de Sociologia, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa(CIES-IUL, ISCTE)
  • Gisela Gonçalves UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior



organizational communication, concept, process, perceções, experts


The organizational communication (OC) is important for organizational dynamics, playing a key role in the dissemination of information and, consequently, in the coordination and completion of tasks, in decision-making and in conflict resolution (Ayub, Manaf & Hamzah, 2014). In spite of its relevance, the OC study has been fragmented, since it assumes different perspectives that must be considered, both academically and in practical terms (Deetz, 2001; Oliveira & Ruão, 2014). In this way, there is a need to perceive how it is that experts - university teachers, trainers and communication managers - understand, define and concretize OC, with a qualitative exploratory study, through semistructured interviews with a sample of 33 experts.
The most strongly mentioned aspects of OC as a concept were its centrality, its evolution and its relationship with adjacent areas. The centrality because the idea that communication constitutes the organization itself still remains. In turn, evolution refers to the paradigms (positivist, interpretative, critical and dialogical) that are inherent to the CO, although this aspect has been mentioned only by university professors. Finally, the relationship with other adjacent areas, since the definition of OC has been fragmented, being associated to other areas such as Sociology, Psychology and Human Resources Management.
Regarding OC as a process, the aspects most strongly mentioned were the adequacy of OC to the context and the interlocutor, as well as the relevance of planning and the need for training. This is because, increasingly, the need to adapt the style of communication to the structure of the organization and its stakeholders, as well as the pertinence of training the stakeholders regarding the objectives, instruments and tools needed for this process is assumed.


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How to Cite

Organizational communication as a concept and a process: the expert perceptions. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 13(25).