Media(tiza)tion of lifelong learning policies
the Iniciativa Novas Oportunidades in the written press
Lifelong learning, education policy, mediation, mediatizationAbstract
The idea of lifelong learning took great centrality in Portugal within the Iniciativa Novas Oportunidades (INO), which widely mobilized the population. This paper explores how INO was interpreted, both as articles and news reports, in two newspapers - Expresso and Correio da Manhã - between 2005 and 2013, analyzing the role in the mediation and mediatization performed by the press within the construction of this educational policy. Using discourse analysis we considered the issues addressed, the resources mobilized, the discursive strategies and ideological points of view. The results show differences in the way this policy was interpreted in these newspapers and in their role in mediation and mediatization, that is, in the production and circulation of information and its interpretation, as well as in the processes of obtaining power by agents.
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