CALL FOR PAPERS: "SPECIAL ISSUE": Public Service Media and Innovation



Elton Bruno Pinheiro (Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação da Universidade de Brasília, Brasil)

Luís António Santos (Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade da Universidade do Minho, Portugal)

Languages: Portuguese; English; Spanish




The main objective of this Special Issue is to analytically reflect on Public Service Media from the perspective of the multidimensional field of innovation. The  innovation we refer to should be understood as a “social phenomenon” (Rossetti, 2013), as it encompasses not only “technological” aspects but also “symbolic” ones. Therefore, we aim to understand how Public Service Media (in some contexts referred to as Public Broadcasting Services) in different regions are innovating, can/should innovate, or face challenges in innovating—whether in programming, management, social participation, funding, or regulation. This is particularly relevant in political, economic, and sociocultural contexts where a range of emerging and disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence tools, are increasingly impacting both the governance of the Public Sector and the “media present” (Martino, 2009), which is marked by phenomena such as disinformation, hate speech, and various forms of populism. These issues are becoming more prevalent within the framework of a “platform society” (Van Dijck, Poell & Wall, 2018), placing democracy and citizenship under growing pressure.


Description and Framework

The perspective of innovation should be intrinsic to Public Service Media,  particularly in understanding it as a  phenomenon that must be addressed  across different dimensions—not only in technological terms but also within the  realm of the symbolic. Public media have  the mission to educate, inform, and  entertain with universality, diversity,  independence, and distinctiveness, and, as we argue here, in dialogue with innovation —especially through a culture of  innovation. This culture should be driven  primarily by investment in the production  of knowledge that is thoughtfully  developed and articulated to contribute to social development, democracy, and  citizenship.

In contemporary society, citizens increasingly engage with media  consumption habits mediated by platforms  and intelligent tools. These not  only transform the media ecosystem in  terms of production and circulation but  also place ethical pressures on journalistic,  advertising, and audiovisual production.  Within this ecosystem, Public Service  Media —each shaped by their unique  sociocultural contexts—face political and/ or bureaucratic challenges that hinder the  cultivation of innovation in their routines.  These challenges may relate to adapting to  technological transformations or to the  ways in which social participation is  incorporated into management and the  evaluation of public service operators  within this evolving landscape.

This Special Issue is particularly justified by  the recognition that the integration of a  multidimensional culture of innovation— rooted in social participation and  transparency—is essential. It is through  this approach that the continuous actions  and strategies (whether short-, medium-,  or long-term) of Public Service Media can be strengthened, contributing to the  expansion of public media’s social  legitimacy and sustainability. This, in turn,  helps to overcome the symbolic stagnation  that has historically weighed  on the sector.

Objectives and approaches

Reflect on the innovation perspective adopted by Public Service Media across  different territories, with a focus on  approaches that prioritize analyses and/or  diagnostics based on the institutional documentary material of Public Service  operators.

Understand how Public Service Media have positioned themselves within the  contemporary socio-digital media  ecosystem, with an emphasis on actions  and/or strategies related to phenomena  such as convergence, platformization, the  use of artificial intelligence tools, and  algorithmic logic.

Identify and analyze the ethical issues that should be considered in the process of  integrating public broadcasters into the socio-digital media environment, focusing on approaches that consider the principles,  objectives, and mission of  Public Service Media and/or Public  Broadcasting.

Assess the current state of the regulatory framework for Public Service Media in different countries, considering both national legislation and its broader transnational context.

Discuss how public media have contributed or can contribute, including as a media  literacy tool, to addressing contemporary  political and social phenomena—focusing on issues such as disinformation, the spread of fake news, hate speech, populism, and also the strengthening of democracy, citizenship, and scientific progress.

Map and document the main contemporary challenges faced by Public Service Media (or Public Broadcasting Services) in innovating, highlighting key dimensions such as programming, management, social participation, funding, and regulation.

Possible subtopics:

  • Innovation perspectives adopted by Public Service Media (and/or Public  Broadcasting) in different territories;
  • Communication policies for fostering a culture of innovation within Public Service Media;
  • Public Service Media and the contemporary socio-digital media ecosystem;
  • Platformization and the use of artificial intelligence tools by Public Service Media;
  • Ethical issues in integrating public broadcasters into the socio-digital media environment;
  • Regulatory framework for Public Service Media in different countries/ transnational regions;
  • The perspective (and challenges) of the “AI Act” and the “Digital Services Act” (and other regulatory frameworks on Digital Services and AI usage in different countries) for Public Service Media;
  • Public media and innovation in addressing contemporary political and social phenomena, such as disinformation, the spread of fake news, hate speech, and populism;
  • Public Media, Social Participation, and Accountability;
  • Public Media and Media Literacy;
  • Public Media, Integrity, Quality, and Trust in Information;
  • Public Media and Accessibility;
  • Public Media and Innovation in the Field of Social Representations.



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Donders, Karen. (2021). Public Service Media in Europe - Law, Theory and Practice. Ed. Routledge Research in Media Law.

European Parliament. (2024) Artificial Intelligence Act.

European Commission. (2022). The Digital Services Act.

Lopes, F. (Ed.). (2023). Serviço Público de Média - Livro Branco. Ministério da Cultura.

Paulino, F. O., Guazina, L., Oliveira, M.  (2016). Serviço público de média e comunicação pública: conceito, contextos e experiências. Comunicação e Sociedade, 30, 55-70.

Pinheiro, E. B. B. (2019). Radiodifusão sonora pública do Brasil: o processo de conformação do serviço e os desafios de sua integração no ambiente digital. Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Brasil.

Rossetti, R. (2013). Categorias de inovação para os estudos em Comunicação -  Categories of innovation for communication studies. Comunicação &  Inovação, 14(27), 63-72.

Santos, L. A.; Del Bianco, N. (2016). Serviço público de média e participação.  Comunicação e Sociedade, 30.

Unesco. (2001). La radio y televisión pública: ¿Por qué? ¿Cómo? Consejo Mundial de Radio y Television.

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Van Dijck, J., Poell, T., & De Wall, M. (2018). The plataform society: Public values in a connective world. Oxford University Press.



1st Call for Papers: 13 February 2025

Deadline for Submissions:  7 July 2025

Publication date: 15 December 2025


Submission guidelines:

Articles must be submitted online via . Authors are required to register in the system before submitting an article; if you have already registered, simply log into the system and start the 5-step submission process.

Articles must be submitted using the pre-formatted  template of Comunicação Pública. For more information on submission, please read Information for Authors and Guidelines for Authors.