Journalism in transformation

a study of the criteria of excellence and regulations of seven Brazilian awards


  • Soraya Venegas Ferreira Universidade Estácio de Sá



Journalistic identity, Professional habitus, Journalism Brazilian Awards, regulations


Among the social representations that, through a set of concepts, techniques and procedures, constitute the journalistic identity, the awards for professionals and journalism students stand out. They are countless and appear all over the world. While some do not go beyond the first edition, others, because of the characteristics of the promoters and professionals involved, achieve enough longevity to generate their recognition as symbolic capital and professional excellence model, showing paradigms of the journalistic practice and its values, which now are in transformation. So this article enlists some reflections on the current journalistic practices and their consequent interventions in redefining the professional ethos, based on the regulations of seven Brazilian awards, listed according the following criteria: longevity/periodicity; financial reward; and thematic specificity. It is noticed that, despite the differences, there are some aspects ​​that are able to unify them.


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How to Cite

Journalism in transformation: a study of the criteria of excellence and regulations of seven Brazilian awards. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 10(19).