About the Journal

Saúde & Tecnologia is an open-access journal with an editorial framework aimed at publishing research articles and essays that report original results and present conceptual advances of broad interest and significance in all areas of health sciences and technologies or those applied to them.

In this line of action, articles of an interdisciplinary nature from various scientific areas around the concept of health are encouraged.

Current Issue

No. 30 (2024)
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Over the last few years, ESTeSL (Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa) has become increasingly dynamic in scientific production and interaction, prompting the need to create its lines of knowledge dissemination.

With this in mind, the ESTeSL Presidency, with the approval of the Scientific Council, decided to promote a scientific editorial line at the School, in the form of an open-access journal, with an editorial framework aimed at publishing research articles and essays that report original results and present conceptual advances of broad interest and significance in all areas of health sciences and technologies or those applied to them.

In this line of action, articles of an interdisciplinary nature from various scientific areas around the concept of health are encouraged.

We therefore invite researchers to submit proposals for scientific articles in these thematic areas for publication, following the rules published for this journal.

Director of Saúde & Tecnologia  
