COVID-19 impact in a public ophthalmology service – Report 1


  • Pedro Camacho H&TRC – Health & Technology Research Center, ESTeSL – Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal. Departamento das Ciências da Terapia e Reabilitação, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal.
  • L. Salgueiro Coordenador dos Ortoptistas. Instituto de Oftalmologia Dr. Gama Pinto. Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Sandra Barrão Diretora Clínica. Instituto de Oftalmologia Dr. Gama Pinto. Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Ricardo Brito Administrador Hospitalar. Instituto de Oftalmologia Dr. Gama Pinto. Lisboa, Portugal.



COVID-19, Ophthalmology service, Visual health


The COVID-19 pandemic forced a concerted response from health services to lead to a reduction in care activity. It is a strategy to respond to this health problem centered on clinical provision and, simultaneously, on the protection of the community and health professionals. However, the direct and indirect impact on eye care is still unclear. Objective: To characterize the impact of COVID-19 in the complementary means of diagnosis and treatment (MCDT) at the ophthalmology service of a monovalent hospital. Methods: Cross-sectional study to quantify MCDT production before and after the reorganization of the services by COVID-19. Through the consultation of the informatics records of the Dr. Gama Pinto Institute of Ophthalmology (IOGP), the different MCDTs were carried out in support of the care practice in the same period of 30 days (March 11 to April 11) of 2019 were compared to 2020. Results: In the study period, there was a marked decrease with mean values of 93.5% (general consultations of Ophthalmology and Pediatric Ophthalmology) and about 76.8% (Retinal Vitreous Consultations, Ocular Diabetes, Genetics, and Visual Impairment and Rehabilitation). Discussion/Conclusion: The sharp drop in clinical production due to the COVID-19 pandemic will require a reorganization of health services in order to respond to postponed clinical situations and, simultaneously, to respond to COVID-19 ophthalmological sequelae that are unknown as retinal toxicity due to the use of chloroquine and/or hydroxychloroquine.


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How to Cite

COVID-19 impact in a public ophthalmology service – Report 1. (2022). Saúde & Tecnologia, T3, e34-e39.