Portrait of the scientific production of the Member-states of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries in the health sciences: a bibliometric study


  • Maria Luz Antunes Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal. APPsyCI – Applied Psychology Research Center Capabilities & Inclusion. ISPA – Instituto Universitário. Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Paula Seguro-de-Carvalho Gabinete de Projetos Especiais, de Investigação e Inovação. Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal.




Bibliometrics, Scientific production, Health sciences, Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries, PALOP


Introduction – The present study analyzes the scientific production in health in a set of countries that share the history and the Portuguese language, but essentially mutual development goals, based on cooperation and friendship. The aim of the study is to characterize the research developed by the CPLP Member States, based on the scientific production carried out in the health studies, which are indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Method – The information retrieved was organized and analyzed using several bibliometric variables: i) totals of scientific production; (ii) research fields; iii) study typology; iv) selected journals; v) authors' productivity; vi) institutional affiliation of the authors; (vii) international partnerships; (viii) funding agencies; and ix) publication language. Results – The results are of diverse magnitude. Health research represents in some countries half or more of indexed scientific production. There is a predominance of articles, published mostly in quartile 1 journals, followed by meeting abstracts and review articles. Institutional affiliation points to the absolute predominance of Brazilian universities in scientific production, as well as Portuguese universities and hospitals. The geographical proximity of each Member State is shown when establishing institutional partnerships. Funding for research is provided by foundations and scientific institutes in several countries, by the European Commission, and the Ministries of Health. English is the most prominent publication language, followed by Portuguese. Discussion – The analysis seeks to demonstrate how health research has been viewed in each particular country, benefiting the scientific community from the particular commitment of researchers in these countries. Local health studies benefit from more in-depth knowledge of populations, interventions, and outcomes, making it possible to extract new scientific knowledge and new forms of comparability – a directly related impact to the creation of public policies and healthier interventions. Conclusions – This study allows a graphic image of the scientific production of the CPLP Member States in health studies. Some lines are planned for the future: an aggregate analysis of scientific studies and more information resources, an observatory of the CPLP scientific production, and the invitation to further bibliometric studies.


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How to Cite

Portrait of the scientific production of the Member-states of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries in the health sciences: a bibliometric study. (2022). Saúde & Tecnologia, 20, 05-20. https://doi.org/10.25758/set.2221