Analysis of the relationship between performance and commitment in health professionals: a systematic review


  • Carla Pimenta Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central



Performance, Commitment, Health professionals, Systematic review


Introduction – Healthcare professionals’ performance refers to their clinical skills, knowledge, and technical abilities, while their commitment refers to their psychological and emotional attachment to the work and the organization. Understanding the interaction between these concepts is important for optimizing health outcomes. Aims – To explore the extent and nature of the relationship between performance and commitment in healthcare professionals, to identify the factors that influence this relationship and the methods used to study it. Methods – A systematic review of the literature was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) protocol. Results – 847 articles were identified, of which 14 were included in the analysis. The timeliness and universality of the topic is highlighted by the strong interaction between the constructs studied. Some studies suggest direct positive correlations, while others highlight relationships of mutual influence or identify commitment as a mediator in multiple interactions. In addition, factors such as job satisfaction, burnout, leadership, and motivation also influence the relationship between performance and commitment in healthcare professionals. Discussion – The relationship between performance and commitment in healthcare professionals is complex and susceptible to multiple influences. Conclusion – It is pertinent to continue research to deepen knowledge in this area, as healthcare organizations face the ongoing challenge of providing quality care to patients while trying to manage limited resources efficiently. 


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How to Cite

Analysis of the relationship between performance and commitment in health professionals: a systematic review. (2024). Saúde & Tecnologia, 30, e796.