Childhood obesity: an emergent problem
Childhood, Obesity, Definition, Epidemiology, Complications, Treatment, PreventionAbstract
Obesity is one of the most serious health problems facing the youth of the world. The evidence suggests that the problem is worsening rapidly. The increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity is facing the future generation of overweight and obese adults perhaps even more obese than the current generation of adults. Because of the close association of obesity with different chronic diseases, this condition presents an enormous challenge to the healthcare system. Defining obesity in children has been difficult as assessing body fat is expensive and impractical. Body mass index (BMI), is used as a surrogate indicator in adults. In children, the consensus is to use BMI percentiles statistically derived from a reference population. The recommended treatment for an overweight child to achieve a more healthful weight uses four primary behavioral strategies: reduce energy intake, increase energy expenditure, actively engage parents and primary caretakers as agents of change, and facilitate a supportive family environment. Prevention of overweight is critical because of long-term outcome data for successful treatment. Genetic, environmental, or combinations of risk factors predisposing children to obesity can and should be identified. Families should be educated and empowered through anticipatory guidance to recognize the impact they have on their children’s development of lifelong habits of physical activity and nutritious eating. Dietary practices should be fostered that encourage moderation rather than overconsumption, emphasizing healthful choices rather than restrictive eating patterns. Regular physical activity should be consciously promoted, prioritized, and protected within families, schools, and communities. Optimal approaches to prevention need to combine dietary and physical activity interventions. Children should be helped to develop healthy nutrition and exercise habits early since interventions are most effective when behaviors are still being formed. In this review paper, we present the epidemiology, assessment, treatment, and prevention associated with this public health phenomenon.
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