Primary health care: the rules of the game


  • Emanuel Vital Fisioterapeuta. Membro do Conselho Clínico, Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde do Oeste Norte. Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.
  • João Teixeira Fisioterapeuta. Coordenador da Unidade de Recursos Assistenciais Partilhados, Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde do Médio Tejo I. Riachos, Portugal.



Health, Organization, Primary health care, Reform


Background – Primary Health Care (PHC) reform is a fact in several countries and is happening also in Portugal demanding a reflection on the process. Aim – To describe the PHC reform and to identify the factors of success or potential failure in PHC public services. Methods – Critical appraisal of the literature. Results and Conclusions – The efficiency, efficacy, and access to health care are insufficient. Organizational changes are taking place altering inter-professional and inter-organizational cooperation and relationship. Tension among the parts involved is evident. New organizational models are being created to secure the sustainability of the reforms and the systems. The new models should provide a balanced management of the available resources, in a strategy of health for all that doesn't mean health for everything.


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How to Cite

Primary health care: the rules of the game. (2012). Saúde & Tecnologia, 07, 09-17.