School bullying – Actors, actions and associated feelings: a study with students from 2nd and 3rd cycles of the Algarve region
Bullying, Adolescents, School, PortugueseAbstract
Introduction – Bullying can be defined as aggressive, intentional, and repeated actions over a period of time. Several studies have examined the prevalence of bullying among students from various countries showing that this is an international problem, involving at least one in ten students. Objectives – Characterize the bullying actions in the school environment, the student role, and the feelings associated with these actions and identify the characteristics of the offender. Methods – The sample was composed of 519 students, enrolled in two schools in southern Portugal. Each student was invited to fill out an anonymous questionnaire, describing one situation of bullying, that they have experienced, their role, and feelings about this situation. Results – The results revealed a prevalence of 61.7% cases of physical aggression and 29.7% of the verbal allocation. 12.7% of students were aggressors, 21.8% were victims and 63.6% were witnesses. 10.6% reported feeling well, 11% showed indifference and 78.4% of students felt bad. It was found that for each year the student increases 1.5 times the probability to be the aggressor and the boys have 5.2 times more likely to come into the role of aggressor in a situation of bullying. Conclusion – The present study found that all students were involved in one school bullying situation, most of the time as a witness, with physical aggression and felt bad about it. The boys and older students were more likely to play the role of aggressor in a bullying situation.
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