The effect of a physiotherapy program in the premature infant's stabilization
Physiotherapy, Premature, Neonatology intensive care unit, Positioning, OximetryAbstract
The number of babies born prematurely has increased. The importance of research and technological development in Intensive Care Neonatology Units (NICU) is unquestionable as well as the essential role played by physiotherapists in the care of these babies. Their development is only enhanced when stimulation and positioning are applied. A pilot study was applied in the NICU of the North Lisbon Hospital Centre (CHLN), between July 2011 and March 2012, to assess the physiotherapy program's effect on premature infant stabilization. This program consisted of positioning the premature in the supine position, right and left lateral decubitus, and prone position, remaining in each position for five minutes. The objective was to evaluate the change in the following parameters during the stay of the baby in the NICU: heart rate (HR) and oxygen saturation (SpO2) before and after treatment. A convenience sample was selected and included 30 premature infants, 13 females and 17 males, who followed the specific criteria for inclusion. To verify the physiological variables HR and SpO2 used a BCI 3401 Pulse Oximetry. It was found that HR decreased and SpO2 increased between the first and second assessments estimate for the total sample, as well as the female and male gender of the subjects, α = 0.05 and p-value (p≤0,001). However, the difference between the average of both periods of HR and SpO2 by gender did not show statistically significant differences. In conclusion, this study suggests that the physiotherapy program improved the SpO2 and HR decrease, promoting a better stabilization of premature infants.
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