Impact of SGRT on patient positioning: a systematic review
Radiotherapy, SGRT, IGRT, Skin marks, RepositioningAbstract
Introduction – Surface-guided radiotherapy (SGRT) is a technique that uses technology in the 3D detection of the patient’s surface, which helps the radiation therapists in the daily repositioning and monitoring of intra and interfraction movements of the patient. It is a non-invasive technique and does not use ionising radiation. Objectives – It is intended to study if the SGRT technique could replace the use of skin markers and the use of verification/Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) imaging protocols, without compromising the reproducibility of the treatment. Methods – A systematic review was performed in the Scopus and MEDLINE databases, where articles published in the last five years were analysed. After combining the search terms and according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, ten articles were included in this review. Results/Discussion – The SGRT technique reduced positioning deviations compared to positioning based on skin markers. On the other hand, it allows a dose reduction resulting from IGRT verification, due to the lower frequency of its use, when combined with SGRT. Conclusion – SGRT proved to be feasible in ensuring accurate positioning when compared to conventional repositioning based on the conjugation of skin markers and lasers. A significant reduction in intrafraction and interfraction errors was also observed. However, it was not considered sufficiently feasible to replace IGRT to its full extent. IGRT still has an important role in confirming anatomical positioning and in monitoring PTV and adjacent organs.
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