Methods of preparation of health education materials for adults: an integrative review
Health education, Healthcare professional, Media, Health education matters, ReviewAbstract
Introduction – Good communication between health professionals and patients favors links and knowledge transfer. Socio-educational materials can extend or expand this communication, complement information, and promote autonomy as well as the possibility to be consulted repeatedly. Objective – To identify the methodology used for the elaboration of printed health education materials for adults Methods – Integrative review according to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) was performed by two independent researchers in the Pubmed, and SciELO, and Lilacs, and gray literature databases. The selection involved reading titles, abstracts, and full texts. Reproducible studies were included, without confining time and language. Also, materials for professional and child education were excluded along with recurrences. Results – Thirteen articles selected involved the approximation to the target public and/or search of the topic in the literature. There was a consensus regarding the need for clear and understandable language, illustrations, and diagrams to ease understanding. Conclusion – Methodology for the elaboration of educational materials in the health area is diverse. It is based on a literature review together with an approach to the target audience, but it does not always evaluate the health literacy level of the targeted public.
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