Are Four Square Step Test and L-Test an alternative to the 6-Minute Walk Test in lower limb amputees?
Lower limb amputation, 6MWT, FSST, L-TestAbstract
Objectives – Find out if the Four Square Step Test (FSST) and L-Test are an alternative to the 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) for the performance evaluation of lower limb amputees Methodology – Cross-sectional and analytical study with 19 lower limb amputees assessed by FSST, L-Test, and 6MWT. Results – There was a moderate negative correlation between FSST and 6MWT (r=-0.611; p=0.005) and a strong negative correlation between L-Test and 6MWT (r=-0.798; p=0.000). Of the 6MWT predictors, only the L-Test was identified as such, an adjusted R2=0.616 (R2 Change=0.637, F Change (1. 17)=29.827; p=0.00001) was obtained for this model. Conclusions – The participants who obtained the best results in the L-Test, were the ones who obtained the best results in the distance covered, being that 1 second more in the L-Test corresponds to an average decrease of 9.537 meters in the 6MWT. It was then possible to verify that the L-Test constitutes an alternative to 6MWT, which in itself constitutes an enormous advantage, as it needs a much smaller space and time for its realization, which in Prosthetics & Orthotics fields is an asset because in most cases the existing spaces are small.
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