Effect of caffeine and cognitive tests on cerebral hemodynamic in young students from the Dr. Lopes Dias Superior Health School


  • Marizete Pires Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco. Castelo Branco, Portugal
  • Gil Nunes Hospital de Vila Franca de Xira. Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal
  • Francisco Rodrigues QRural – Qualidade de Vida no Mundo Rural, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco. Castelo Branco, Portugal
  • Patrícia Coelho QRural – Qualidade de Vida no Mundo Rural, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco. Castelo Branco, Portugal
  • Joana Pires Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco. Castelo Branco, Portugal




Caffeine, Transcranial color-coded duplex sonography, Cerebral arteries, Cognitive tests


Introduction – Caffeine induces physiological changes, such as increased blood pressure, which is reflected in cerebral hemodynamics. Objectives – Evaluate the effect of caffeine on changes in the flow of the cerebral arteries studied, as well as relate their effect with cognitive tests. Methods – Observational, prospective study in 35 students, aged between 18 and 25, at Escola Superior de Saude Dr. Lopes Dias. The volunteers were divided into two groups, with group 1 having a normal coffee and group 2 being a white brand decaffeinated, without added sugar. The procedure was divided into two phases, pre- and post-stimulant. Data were collected through the transcranial color-coded duplex sonography and the MoCa cognitive test, after free and informed consent. On the course of study was assured the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The following non-parametric tests were used to correlate the variables: Wilcoxon, Spearman, and Mann-Whitney. Results – Compared to baseline, in the caffeine condition there was an increase in flow variations in the middle cerebral arteries (p=0.0001), the same happened with the MoCa Test score (p=0.0001). Discussion – In the analysis of the flow of the main cerebral arteries and when performing cognitive tests, there is a significant increase in the flow under the effect of the caffeine, although this is more noticeable in the middle cerebral artery. Conclusion – The middle cerebral artery is the artery most susceptible to modifications, however, these are independent of the beverage with caffeine used, the same happens when performing the MoCa Test.


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How to Cite

Effect of caffeine and cognitive tests on cerebral hemodynamic in young students from the Dr. Lopes Dias Superior Health School. (2022). Saúde & Tecnologia, 26, 36-41. https://doi.org/10.25758/set.489