
  • Comunicação Pública

    eISSN: 2183-2269 and ISSN: 1646-1479


    Comunicação Pública journal is an editorial project within the scientific, academic, and professional field of Communication. It was founded in 2005, at the School of Communication and Media Studies (ESCS) of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. It essentially focuses on the publishing of articles, reviews, and essays that reflect upon the different perspectives, languages, and contexts of human communication. The journal has open access and follows a rigorous scientific double-blind peer review system. It is published twice a year, in June and December.

  • Saúde & Tecnologia

    Saúde & Tecnologia is an open-access journal with an editorial framework aimed at publishing research articles and essays that report original results and present conceptual advances of broad interest and significance in all areas of health sciences and technologies or those applied to them.

    In this line of action, articles of an interdisciplinary nature from various scientific areas around the concept of health are encouraged.

  • RHINOCERVS: Cinema, Dança, Música, Teatro

    RHINOCERVS: Cinema, Dança, Música, Teatro (ISSN; eISSN) is a semiannual scientific and artistic magazine, published in portuguese, english, french or spanish, with peer review, dedicated to the performing arts and cinema, edited by  Polytechnic of Lisboa. The journal aims to publish studies related to the various areas, namely dance, music, theatre and cinema, not only from the point of view of performance, but also of dramatic and cinematographic composition and writing, from the most varied points of view, from the aesthetic, historical, philosophical, technical, pedagogical-didactic, reflective on artistic production, as well as regarding the relationships between different artistic forms and intermediate arts.